About us

We are a full service medical revenue company dedicated to providing accurate, professional, and HIPAA compliant medical billing services to healthcare providers. In addition, we also offer Electronic Document Services, Patient Retention, HIPPA Compliancy, Audit Protection, Electronic Health Records, Certified Coding, Business Development & Marketing, and more. We provide a variety of services to physicians, chiropractors, sleep centers, acupuncturists, pain specialists, physical therapists, and surgical centers designed to increase profits and revenue. MedRev gives you and your staff more time for patient care and office management.

We provide expertise in consulting for:

  • Electronic Medical Records – EMR

  • Claim Billing Services

  • Baseline Audit Consulting

  • Profit Recover

  • Patient Payment System

Some of the advantages of having our electronic medical billing services for your specialty include; Increasing your reimbursements, reducing staffing and supply costs, elimination of coding and insurance delays, and more. Our state of the art web-based billing process makes medical billing easy and painless no matter where you are. All you need is an internet connection.Finally, we recognize that each client has unique revenue cycle management needs. Our competitors may promise to address these, but will likely only provide general, run-of-the mill services. We, on the other hand, will assess your entire practice and offer a solution that is tailor-made just for you and your needs. What truly distinguishes us from other similar companies, however, is that we use a team approach rather than a single isolated person to tackle your problems. This is not a software package or simply outsourced medical billing. We provide a total revenue management package to maximize your practices’ profits.

